Hide ZIP File Inside Image

Hide ZIP File Inside Image
Hello everyone,
This is a post for "Hiding A Zip file with Batch Coding",
Continue reading for more info about the amaizing post ahead,

Coding Ahead
@echo off
echo ..................................
echo .Place both file in single folder.
echo ..................................
echo Enter drive letter where folder exist
set /p drive=
echo Enter folder name
set /p folder=
cd /%folder%
echo Enter name of image
set /p name=
echo Enter extension 
set /p ext=
echo Enter name of zip file
set /p zip=
echo Enter new file name
set /p n1=

copy /b %name%.%ext% + %zip%.zip %n1%.jpg

Before running this program firstly place image file and zip file at specific folder.
To see the content of ZIP file..Do right click on the image and press open with Winrar. 
