Easy Methods To Remove Shortcut Virus From Pendrive Quickly

‘How to remove shortcut virus ?’ is a question which comes in the mind of almost all windows PC users. Generally, in this issue, our PC or pen drive gets infected by some malicious program and as a result , all of our files and folders are changed into the shortcut files and original ones got hidden, this malicious program is generally known as Shortcut virus.
 If your PC or pendrive is affected by it then all of your files and folders will be hidden and you will not be able to use them which is absolutely not good. This virus spread from one computer to another like viral through pendrives,flash drives, memory cards exchanges or through internet/Bluetooth connections. The most common virus found in removable drives is autorun.inf which keeps on multiplying and infect your system by creating unlimited shortcuts of files and folders.
I believe you must have ever faced this weird situation when all of your files are converted into shortcuts and you don’t have any chance to recover your files. Right ? Even I came across this situation when I had no option to remove shortcut virus from pendrive and PC , then I researched about it on internet and found amazing solutions that worked like charm. Today I am going to share with you how you can recover your windows PC, pendrive and laptop from shortcut virus.

Types Of Shortcut Virus

There are two kinds of shortcut virus in windows which windows users generally come across.
  1. File and Folder Shortcut Virus

    This shortcut virus is common for most of the windows users who don’t upgrade their antivirus programs for some reason or if they are not using them.
    Shortcut virus in pc
    Files and folder shortcut virus has a tendency to replicate all of your files and folders in your pendrive or PC/Laptop in to shortcuts and make your original folder and files hidden and not accessible. This shortcut virus can lead you into serious problems as it does not leave any way to open your original files by clicking on the shortcuts. It is not suggested to click on any of the shortcut file and folder because as soon as you will click on it, the virus may start duplicating itself to its multiples by executing malicious scrips in the background that can steal your confidential data as well.
  2. Pen drive Shortcut Virus

    pen drive short cut virusPen drive, memory cards or flash drive shortcut virus are trojan and can cause a very serious harm with your computer. It is always advisable to use updated antivirus in your PC.
    It appends each file and folder in your removable devices and put them in one hidden folder and creates a shortcut executable file (.exe) of your removable drive with the same icon and name. It will leave no other option other than clickin on it and once you will click on it, it will execute malicious programs in your PC to steal your personal information and to spy your activities.

Remove Shortcut Virus From PC Pendrive Flashdrive

How To Remove Shortcut Virus Using CMD ? [Method 1]

If you do not wish to install any other shortcut virus remover application , then you can simply remove shortcut virus from your PC/laptop or pendrive by using a command prompt (CMD). Even if you are a non-techy person then also you can easily remove shortcut virus from your pendrive or PC by following the CMD tutorial.

Steps To Delete Shortcut Virus By Using CMD:

  1. Open command prompt (CMD). (Go to Run >> type CMD >> Hit enter )
  2. Type the drive letter of your removable device and a colon after it and hit enter. (Eg: g:)
  3. Now type: attrib g:*.* /d /s -h -r -s . (Replace g: with the drive name of your drive)
  4. Hit enter.

Remove Shortcut Virus By Creating BAT File [Method 3]

Have you ever heard about batch file(.BAT) programming ? If no then there is no need to worry as I have mentioned simple steps to remove shortcut virus from your PC by creating a BAT file and executing it. You do not need any extra tools to create a BAT file but just a Windows machine and notepad. This method is not very popular, however if the above two methods that I have mentioned does not work then you can give a try by using this method to remove shortcut virus from your PC or pendrive/memory card.
  1. Open Notepad from your computer/laptop.
  2. Type or copy the below code as it is on notepad.
    @echo off
    attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive:*.*
    attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive:*.*
    attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive:*.*
    @echo complete
  3. Make sure to replace Drive with your drive name. Eg: F:
  4. Now click on Save As… by clicking on File tab in notepad and change the save as type to “All files(*.*)” from “Text documents” and rename it to removeshortcutvirus.bat and save it on your desktop.
  5. Now close notepad and go to desktop and double click on the BAT file that you have just created.
  6. All shortcut viruses from the respective drive will now be removed in couple of seconds and your original files will be back. Enjoy.

Remove Shortcut Virus By Tweaking Registry Files [Method 4][Not recomended by me personally][but no issues]

It is one of the most simple ways to fix your computer infected by shortcut virus as you do not need to download any third party tool to try out this method but this method is only recommended only if  you know what you are doing otherwise it is not suggested to use this method because it may screw your system also if anything goes wrong.
  1. Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc ,or you can also open it by a doing a Right Clickon your Taskbar and then clicking on “Open Task Manager“.
  2. In the Processes tab, scroll down to find something like wscript.exe . Click on it and click End Processes.
  3. Open Run by pressing Win+R keys and then type regedit and hit Enter. This will open the Registry Editor.
  4. In the top left pane of registry editor, navigate toHKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run
  5. Try to Look for the registry key odwcamszas , just right click on it and delete it.
Please note that there are chances that even after following the above mentioned steps correctly, you might not find the specified registry key if your system is highly infected, so in that case you can skip this method.

Tips To Prevent Shortcut Virus In Future

Prevention is always better than the cure. Its highly recommended to take few precautions to keep your computer away from any kind of shortcut virus or trojans. You should always use updated antivirus and firewalls to keep virus away from your PC. We have listed down the points below that you need to follow always to make your computer virus free.
  • Always keep your antivirus up to date.
  • Make sure you are only opening any removable disk after scanning.
  • If you do not have any antivirus, then keep your Bluetooth turned off.
  • Avoid plugging-in any USB drive if your antivirus is not updated.
  • Keep running boot scans once in two-three weeks.
  • Avoid opening any file/folder by double clicking on it because many malicious scripts hidden in a file or folder gets executed only when someone double clicks on them. To be on a safer side, open a folder/file by doing a right click on it and then click on open.
